K.M Valsamma, G.Ambika & K Babu Joseph .Perturbative analysis of Quasiperiodic route in circle maps Physica Scripta 42 :19-21, 1990:(NAAS Score 7.13)
Valsamma K M, Smart Grid as a Desideratum in the Energy Landscape: Key Aspects and Challenges: IEEE Xplore ISBN 978-81 -921320: 1-3 july 2012 pp :1-6 Impact Factor 6.810
Valsamma KM, Engineering the 21st century Educational Architecture IEEE Xplore, ISBN:978-81- 921320: 1-3 July 2012 : IF 6.810
Valsamma KM: Aadhaar function Creep and the emerging Symbiotic Relationship between society and Technology: PIJR:3(8) aug 2014:iSSN 2250-1991,pp:184-185: IF 5.215
Valsamma KM: Aadhaar function Creep and the emerging Symbiotic Relationship between society and Technology: PIJR:3(8) aug 2014:iSSN 2250-1991,pp:184-185: IF 5.215
Valsamma KM: Aadhaar function Creep and the emerging Symbiotic Relationship between society and Technology: PIJR:3(8) aug 2014:iSSN 2250-1991,pp:184-185: IF 5.215
Valsamma KM, Micro Grid Feasibility: A Multi scaling Approach, International journal of Scientific Research(IOSRJEN), 2(6): 1345-1351, ISSN: 2250-3021: IF 1.645