Students Grievance Redressal Committee


Objective of this committee is to provide opportunities for readdressal of certain grievances of students already enrolled in this institution as well as those seeking admission to this institution.


Grievance means the complaints made by an aggrieved student(s) in respect of the following namely :

  • Admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution.
  • Irregularity in the process under the declared admission policy.
  • Publication by the institution of any information in the prospectus which is false or misleading and not based on the facts.
  • Refusal to return any document in the form of certificates of degree, diploma or any other document deposited by a student for the purpose of seeking admission.
  • Demand of money in excess of that specified in the declared admission policy.
  • Violation of any law in force in regard to reservation of seats to different category of students.
  • Non-payment or delay in payment of scholarship or financial aids admissible to any student.
  • Failure to provide student amenities as set out in the prospectus.
  • Complaints of alleged discrimination of students from scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, OBC, women, minority or persons with disabilities.


  • A complaint from an aggrieved student relating to the college shall be addressed to the chairperson of the SGRC.
  • The college shall constitute the SGRC with the following composition namely.
  • Principal of the college – chairperson.
  • Three senior members of faculties to be nominated by the principal as members and out of three one member shall be female and other SC,ST category.
  • A representative among students of the college based on academic excellence as special invite.
  • The terms of members shall be of 2 years.
  • The quorum for the meeting including the chairperson ,but excluding the special invite shall be three.
  • In considering the grievances before it, SGRC shall follow principles of Natural justice.
  • The SGRC shall send its report to with recommendations if any to the concerned college and a copy to the aggrieved student within a period 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
  • Any student aggrieved by the decision of the SGRC may prefer an appeal to the Ombudsman within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of student decision.

Student’s Grievances and Redressal committee


Online Grievance

Click Here

Procedure of online grievance is as follows.
  1. Grievance Cell Committee members have to added by Admin
  2. Students can send complaints and request through their login.
  3. Complaints can be viewed by principal and forward complaint to any faculty in grievance cell.
  4. Now the grievance cell staff can view the complaints forwarded by principal.
  5. After taking necessary again the faculty and close complaint by describing about action taken and date of action taken.
  6. If action taken is given by faculty then it will be marked as ACTION TAKEN else as READED.


Detail Procedure as follows

  • Grievance System (Student Login)

    Students can login to their profile using their username and password. In the left menu options click “Messages”.


    It include “Send Message” and “View Message”.

    Send Message

    Students who want to register complaints can login to their account using their username and password. In the left menu Messages -> Send Message, select ‘To’ whom the student wishes to send complaint.  Enter ‘Subject’ and ‘Message’, Press Send.

    View Message

Here students can view the list of messages they have sent to authority.


  • Grievance System (Principal/HODLogin)

    Grievances from students

To view the message sent by the student, principal/hod need to login to his account. In the left menu click “Grievances from students”. List of all complaints registered by students will be listed here. The complaint with label ‘New’ will be unopened. Click on it.

The batch of student and message will be displayed. Principal/HOD can forward this message to concerned grievance volunteers from the list for further actions. Now you can see the label ‘New’ will be changed to ‘Grievance Forwarded’.


  • Grievance System (Volunteer Staff Login)

    Show Grievances

    In order to take action against the complaint, the concerned staff whom to which the message has been sent by the principal needs to login to his/her profile. In the left menu “Show Grievances”, you can see the task assigned to you. Click on Show button.

    Now you can see the message forwarded by the principal. You can take necessary action and enter it in the ‘Action Taken’ field. Select the date of action taken and submit.

Once action is taken, the status of corresponding message in principal’s account will be changed as ‘Action Taken’. If staff only read the message but no action has been taken, then status will be ‘Readed’.