Presented the paper “Evolution of an automatic segmentation method for human blastocysts blast” in ICACCS -2017, IEEE ISBN No. 978-1- 5090-4558-7, pp. 1878-1881, January 2017.
Published the paper “Survey on curve detection algorithms” in IJCSE (International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering),vol. 4, Issue. 11, November 2016.
Presented the paper ” Cancer Detection In Lungs Using Minimal Path Propagation With Backtracking”, in IETE National conference on cancer imaging modalities and decision support systems (NCCI 2016).
Presented the paper ” Survey on curve detection algorithms ” in BURST’16, tech fest, conducted at Royal Engineering College,August 2016.
Published the paper “Survey on leak detection algorithms” in IJCSE (International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering),vol. 4, Issue. 11, November 2016.
Published the paper “Study on diabetic retinopathy detection techniques” in IJCSE (International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering),vol. 4, Issue. 11, November 2016.
Presented the paper, ”Curve Structure Extraction Using Minimal Path Propagation With Backtracking And Hough Transform”, in ICASET International conference on Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology (ICASET 2017).